Fork and Knife Supper Club


Our Fork and Knife Supper Club is a social club for all you Culinary SocialitesOur Fork and Knife Supper Club is a social club for all you Culinary Socialites, we enjoy great meals, wine, and meet some great people along the way. No this social club is not for people looking to find a mate. It’s for people who enjoy great cuisine & company and want to get in on the latest Food Scene. (But we will take credit if you do find a mate through us!) Yes we always make new friends and see some old ones as well.

Our Fork and Knife Supper Club can meet at a local restaurant, or winery, we may raise our glasses to a paint night, or head out for some beer tasting, We may do lunch, brunch or just head out for tapas & cocktails, where ever our taste buds take us we want you there.

a social club for all you Culinary Socialites

Sign Up Today and lets raise our Fork,Knife & Glass to getting Social.

We want everyone to enjoy themselves, we are a non-judgemental Culinary Social Club and welcome everyone. With a few surprises in store!

Upcoming Events

Spirits in the Afternoon with Psychic Medium Sharon McGregor

April 7,2019   $30.00

Psychic Medium Sharon McGregor will grace us with her Spirits R We psychic medium readings, This one hour afternoon event will be filled with much excitement. This is a non-alcoholic event as alcohol interrupt’s the psychic mind of the reading, but an intriguing Mocktail and some homemade eats will be served. Not everyone is guaranteed to receive a reading, different spirits communicate with Sharron threw her amazing readings, I am sure its going to be an event to remember. We look forward to seeing everyone at this amazing event.
Please arrive 15min early

To Purchase Tickets Click Below.


Tea with The Traveling Tea Lady Mothers Day. May 12/2019

Much More to come keep checking back!

Judging Tacos & More!


BRIGHTER PATH 4 AUTISM Toronto Fundraiser Supper! 

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