I love it when I plant a fruit or vegetable from seed. In several weeks you have a full grown ripe juicy tomato or cucumber for you to enjoy. It’s what’s called the fruits of our labour. Mast Creek Harvest in Utica Ont. grows several vegetables, fruits, & herbs all naturally and grown locally. This green thumbed women known as just Ngaan has turned everything she plants into a labour of love. At Mast Creek Harvest everywhere you look, there are rows and rows of onions, lettuce, tomatoes, tyme, rosemary, camomile, and my list goes on. Mast Creek Harvest also supplies to local restaurants, if you look closely you can see chefs picking and sniffing all the intoxicating herbs, and vegetables to create the special of the day. It really is a magnificent art that Mast Creek Harvest has created. I asked Ngaan as I walked around the grounds showing me what will be coming up for Autumn harvest. I said Ngaan “why do you do this” she replied ” It’s My ZEN” I truly believe people do not have to spend a lot to eat well.

Words not to be taken lightly, it’s important to know where our food comes from. Support your LOCAL FARMERS.







