Autumn is such a beautiful time of year. Colours changing, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes, and plenty of Harvest Festivals. Springridge Family Farm Harvest Festival is happening now, and is fantastic for children and adults of all ages, they have a Boo Barn, Pony Rides, Puppet Shows, Corn Maze, Animals, a Bakery with homemade pies, scones, cookies and so much more.

Springridge Family Farm also hosted Chef Michael Smith and his new cook book Real Food, Real Good. As the barn filled up with loyal fans, Chef Michael Smith began to speak about simpler times, family, simple cooking & getting back to basics. Which is what I say all the time. To prepare a meal is a lot simpler than people make it out to be. I always say ” if you think it’s a chore you will never enjoy it” I love being in the kitchen, and my son does as well. Chef Michael Smith brought up a very valid point and I really hope it home with everyone. PROCESSED FOOD IS KILLING CANADIANS! And he’s right.

Life has become so busy and easy that family’s have forgotten what it’s like to prepare a meal with earth like ingredients. Here’s another point Chef brought up. It’s not what you put on the table, but who is around the table. These are words we can all live by. Real Food, Real Good is full of simple recipes anyone can prepare. Coconut Curry Sweet Potato Soup, Veggie Skillet & Oatmeal Pancakes with Bacon Maple Syrup just to name a few. This is where I say I love being Canadian, where else can you meet a man with such a love for making the best dishes from substantial healthy ingredients from the land.

Chef Michael Smith is the gentle giant of Canadian cooking. A modest man where his kitchen is his castle, and although his height may have him glancing down at us, we look up to him and his charismatic character & his wholesome cooking of Real Food, Real Good & get back to Real Living!

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