Today I headed out to a community garden, to see if we could find someone, to help out in our Harden off process of our Food Revolution Planting Day. I found two wonderful women tending to their gardens. They gladly took our peas, & beets and put them in their residential garden. But this garden has a special blessing to it. This garden was planted in honour of Women at the Centre,
aromatic tomatoes, the sweet smell of dill, and enough spinach to make Popeye jealous, is what I see and so much more in this lush area of vegetables. Speaking with Doreen a program director for Women at the Centre, I could tell right away that this project was very close to her heart. I love people who do things for a cause, their is so much violence around us today, that it is sometimes very hard to see the good.I strongly believe everything happens for a reason. I was meant to be at this community garden. I’m glad to have met both ladies today, I am also glad to be a part of your garden. For you ladies that are changing your lives,Take a deep breath,relax, and say to yourself today is going to be an awesome day. God Bless.





